Call for applications: Gender Datathon in Albania

Gender Datathon Cover Image
UN Women, in partnership with the Institute of Statistics in Albania (INSTAT), invites applications from researchers, students, members of women’s rights and civil society organizations, journalists, data analysts, and gender advocates to participate in a Gender Datathon in Tirana, Albania. All interested candidates should apply by (the extended deadline) 6 May 2024 00:00 CET. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 28 March 2024 | Start time: 15:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 06 May 2024 | End time: 23:00 UTC +00:00
Location: Tirana, Albania

Event description

UN Women, in partnership with the Institute of Statistics in Albania (INSTAT), invites applications from researchers, students, members of women’s rights and civil society organizations, journalists, data analysts, and gender advocates to participate in a Gender Datathon on 2 - 4 October 2024 in Tirana, Albania.

The Gender Datathon is an opportunity for data enthusiasts across Albania to enhance their ability to effectively navigate, analyze and use gender data as a tool for positive social change, amplifying the voices advocating for a more inclusive and equitable future.

Why participate?

  • Gain a better understanding of the central role that gender data play in advancing gender equality
  • Build practitioner-level skills with Excel, Tableau, Canva, and FlourishChart, to explore, analyze, interpret, visualize and communicate gender data effectively
  • Enhance practical skills in compelling data-driven storytelling that spotlight gender issues and women’s rights
  • Network and collaborate with gender data and visualization experts

How to apply? Interested applicants should apply either as teams or individuals by filling out the application form by 6 May 2024 00:00 CET (extended deadline). Learn more about the datathon via event flyer:

Language: Please note that the primary language of the Gender Datathon is Albanian.

The Gender Datathon is being implemented by UN Women in collaboration with INSTAT under the regional programme on improving gender data production and use in Europe and Central Asia “Making Every Woman and Girl Count”.

Other Co-Sponsors: INSTAT, UN Women’s Albania Country Office and “Making Every Woman and Girl Count” regional programme for Europe and Central Asia.
More information:
Contact person: For any inquiries or assistance, please contact