In Focus: Supporting women and girls in Türkiye in the aftermath of the earthquakes


In Focus: Supporting women and girls in Türkiye in the aftermath of the earthquakes
Women and children are amongst the most affected after the earthquakes in Gaziantep, Türkiye. Photo: UN Women/Nilüfer Baş

On 6 February 2023, twin earthquakes struck Türkiye and Syria, killing thousands of people and injuring many others.

In support of the government-led response, UN Women Türkiye, together with public authorities, civil society organizations, other UN agencies and private sector partners, mounted a swift response targeting the most at-risk women and girls.

In close coordination with partners, UN Women Türkiye’s emergency response is addressing the urgent and longer-term needs of women and girls impacted by the earthquakes. The response covers urgent needs such as the distribution of essential supplies, psycho-social support, and critical information on rights and services. Beyond the immediate assistance, UN Women is preparing programs to support the restoration of women’s livelihoods, such as support to women’s businesses and cooperatives.

UN Women Türkiye is also working closely with the rest of the UN system to ensure that the overall urgent and longer-term response fully considers the needs and priorities of women and girls. In order to achieve this, UN Women advocates for women’s agency and equal participation at every level of the response and works towards mainstreaming their perspective across the earthquake response.


Deprem Kaynaklı Sorunlara İlişkin Haklarınız (Your Rights Regarding Earthquake-Related Issues)

This brochure outlines the legal rights and procedures for individuals affected by earthquakes. It covers various topics such as obtaining inheritance certificates, understanding insurance coverage, seeking compensation for injuries or property losses, and navigating tenancy issues.



The Impact of Earthquakes in Türkiye: Barriers to Access to Justice After the Earthquakes – Field Research Findings on Women’s Legal Priorities

This report summarizes the main findings of the research and provides recommendations for further work which can be conducted during the recovery process on women’s access to justice.



Gender-Responsive Settlement Model

In line with UN Women Türkiye supporting gender responsive governance and community leadership at the local level, this report aims to develop a gender responsive settlement model.



Her Aftermath - The Impact of the Earthquakes in Türkiye: Focus on Prevention and Response to Violence Against Women

This report highlights the findings that have emerged and proposes recommendations for all stakeholders working in the earthquake humanitarian response and recovery efforts in Türkiye.



Her Aftermath - The impact of the earthquakes in Türkiye: Perspectives of civil society organizations working for the rights of women and girls

This report highlights the needs of civil society organizations (CSOs) and the women and girls that these CSOs serve across the earthquake-affected region in southeastern Türkiye.



Women Entrepreneurs in the Earthquake Needs Analysis

This study was conducted in collaboration with UN Women and KAGIDER - after two major earthquakes occurred consecutively on February 06, 2023 in and around Kahramanmaraş.



Earthquakes in Türkiye: Impacts and Priorities for Women and Girls

This brief explains the impact of the earthquake, needs and priorities of women and girls and UN Women's response efforts on the ground.



UN Women Response to the Earthquakes in Türkiye

The publication gives brief information about the UN Women's efforts in respond to the earthquake, its UN inter-agency coordination role regarding gender expertise and its programmatic interventions.



Women's Labor, Foundation of the Future
Reminding sisterhood, resilience and strength of civil society in Türkiye

Gender Responsive Economic Recovery: Growing the Economy with Women’s Businesses in Türkiye
UN Women’s response empowers and supports women and girls in earthquake-affected regions



International Women’s Day 2023

by Asya Varbanova, UN Women Turkiye Country Director

This year’s International Women’s Day is marked under the shadow of the devastating earthquakes that struck South-Eastern Türkiye just over one month ago, killing over 46,000 people and injuring thousands more.




Our priority is to ensure that affected women receive the urgent support they need. Please help UN Women reach more women with the emergency assistance they need. Your contribution can make a difference.