National planning and budgeting

UN Women/Janarbek Amankulov
National plans and budgets are strategic opportunities for governments to turn their commitments into practical steps for achieving gender equality. Too often they fail to ensure that public services respond to women’s needs and priorities. Implementing commitments to gender equality requires innovative public policy tools like gender-responsive budgeting, which comprehensively assesses gender gaps and identifies actions to close them.
UN Women in Kyrgyzstan works to make gender equality central to national development planning and budgeting. We advocate for transparent and adequate public financing for gender equality, including for gender-responsive budgets that channel adequate resources to both women and men.
UN Women in Action in Kyrgyzstan:
- Since 2012 Kyrgyzstan has participated in the EU-supported global programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality, which aims to increase the amounts and effectiveness of foreign and domestic aid for national gender-equality commitments.
- Its Kyrgyzstan component, the Programme increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality, has made gender expertise an integral part of the national budgetary process:
- the National Action Plan on gender equality was developed in national consultations with government and civil society stakeholders
- gender equality commitments were integrated into the National Programme of the transition to Sustainable Development for 2013-2017
- government, development partners, business representatives and civil society participated in a National Multi-stakeholder on Aid Effectiveness conference in 2014.
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