UN Women Europe and Central Asia Deputy Regional Director Visits Tajikistan to Advance Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment


UN Women Europe and Central Asia Deputy Regional Director Elisa Fernandez Saenz conducted her second field visit to Tajikistan to assess the impact of initiatives by UN Women in the country. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Europe and Central Asia Deputy Regional Director Elisa Fernandez Saenz conducted her second field visit to Tajikistan to assess the impact of initiatives by UN Women in the country, engaging with a broad spectrum of stakeholders including government officials, civil society organizations, local authorities, private sector partners, the UN country team, and beneficiaries. Photo: UN Women

From 10 to 15 June, UN Women Europe and Central Asia Deputy Regional Director Elisa Fernandez Saenz conducted her second field visit to Tajikistan to assess the impact of initiatives by the country office. During her visit, she engaged with a broad spectrum of stakeholders including government officials, civil society organizations, local authorities, private sector partners, the UN country team, and beneficiaries. Elisa Fernandez Saenz provided a comprehensive overview of UN Women’s efforts in Tajikistan, emphasizing the importance of supporting initiatives promoting gender equality and women's empowerment.

On June 10, 2024, Deputy Regional Director joined the International Forum "Women and Water" to discuss women's vital role in water management, water diplomacy and gender equality issues. The Forum, supported by UN Women, gathered 120 participants from 17 countries to address the global water crisis and promote sustainable development. Elisa Fernandez Saenz, emphasized the importance of women's leadership and gender-responsive policies, stating, "When women are enabled to participate, and when incentives for gender equality are in place, better outcomes are possible." The Forum underscored the transformative impact of inclusive water governance on society and the environment.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, during the Dushanbe Water Process Conference 2024. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, during the Dushanbe Water Process Conference 2024. Photo: UN Women

On June 12, 2024, Elisa Fernandez Saenz participated at the Dushanbe Water Process conference 2024 and presented the outcome document developed during International Forum "Women and Water". She highlighted critical areas for urgent action stemming from the Women Water Forum: gender-sensitive and inclusive actions, expanding women's participation and leadership, and civil society engagement. By harnessing the full potential of women and girls, the Women and Water Forum emphasized the transformative impact of inclusive water management on society and the environment.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, engaged with influencers, bloggers and journalists from Tajikistan during an informal meeting. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, engaged with influencers, bloggers and journalists from Tajikistan during an informal meeting. Photo: UN Women

On June 13, Elisa Fernandez Saenz participated in an informal meeting with influencers, bloggers, and journalists from Tajikistan to discuss ongoing activities supported by UN Women, explore opportunities for collaboration, address gender stereotypes, and engage in meaningful dialogue.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, UN Women Representative in Tajikistan, Malika Jurakulova, and UNICEF Tajikistan Representative, Arthur Van Diesen during a meeting. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, UN Women Representative in Tajikistan, Malika Jurakulova, and UNICEF Tajikistan Representative, Arthur Van Diesen during a meeting. Photo: UN Women

On June 14, Elisa Fernandez Saenz met with UNICEF Tajikistan Representative Arthur Van Diesen to explore avenues for joint cooperation and new initiatives. Building on successful collaborative programs, UNICEF and UN Women agreed to launch a new project titled “Aligning Local Financing for SDGs” over 12 months, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, and relevant sub-national authorities. The project aims to forge partnerships with other UN agencies, civil society organizations, and international development partners, including financial institutions engaged in localization efforts. Elisa Fernandez Saenz also underscored the importance of developing programs on Girls in STEM, harmonizing data on violence against women and girls’ issues, and addressing the impact of migration on women and children.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz met with the Head of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs of Tajikistan, Banufsha Faiziddinzoda. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz met with the Head of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs of Tajikistan, Banufsha Faiziddinzoda. Photo: UN Women

During the subsequent meeting with the Head of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs of Tajikistan Banufsha Faiziddinzoda, Elisa Fernandez Saenz commended the Committee for integrating climate issues into the draft National Action Plan (NAP) 1325, reflecting the Women, Peace and Security agenda. She expressed optimism about the NAP’s imminent approval and reaffirmed UN Women’s commitment to supporting its implementation. Additionally, Elisa Fernandez Saenz highlighted UN Women’s role in assisting the Ministry of Labour in expanding opportunities for women by reducing the number of prohibited professions.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz met with the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Mr. Ismatullo Nasridin. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz met with the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Mr. Ismatullo Nasridin. Photo: UN Women

In discussions with First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Mr. Ismatullo Nasridin, Elisa Fernandez Saenz reviewed ongoing collaboration and addressed issues including criminalizing domestic violence, gender-responsive budgeting, and the inclusion of women and youth into the programs to counter violent extremism. She acknowledged the Ministry’s continued partnership on women’s issues and outlined UN Women’s support for Tajikistan’s priorities such as Ending Violence Against Women, gender-responsive budgeting, and strengthening civil society.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, met with World Food Programme Representative and Country Director, Mr. Adham Musallam, to discuss joint efforts in preventing PSEA. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elisa Fernandez Saenz, met with World Food Programme Representative and Country Director, Mr. Adham Musallam, to discuss joint efforts in preventing PSEA. Photo: UN Women

Later that day, Elisa Fernandez Saenz met with World Food Programme (WFP) Representative and Country Director, Mr. Adham Musallam, to highlight WFP’s role in promoting the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) agenda. She emphasized UN Women’s collaboration on PSEA, including support for developing standard operating procedures for Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaint Mechanisms. Elisa Fernandez Saenz stressed the importance of joint initiatives on women’s economic empowerment and behavior change communication campaigns to challenge harmful social norms, leveraging UN Women’s extensive expertise in Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment at country and regional levels.

UN Women Deputy Regional Director Elisa Fernandez Saenz with activists and representatives of civil society organizations of Tajikistan. Photo: UN Women
UN Women Deputy Regional Director Elisa Fernandez Saenz with activists and representatives of civil society organizations of Tajikistan. Photo: UN Women

The Deputy Regional Director also met with activists and representatives of civil society organizations of Tajikistan to discuss collaboration efforts. During the meeting, they shared the challenges and obstacles they face, detailed their needs for assistance and support, and highlighted their experiences and successes. This open dialogue provided valuable insights into the issues at hand and fostered a deeper understanding of the necessary steps to enhance cooperation and achieve mutual goals.

In her concluding remarks, Elisa Fernandez Saenz reiterated UN Women's steadfast commitment to advancing gender equality and women's empowerment in Tajikistan. She emphasized the transformative potential of inclusive policies and collaborative efforts across sectors, underscoring the importance of sustained partnership with government bodies, civil society, and international organizations. As she departed Tajikistan, she expressed optimism for the future, noting the progress made and the ongoing dedication to address key challenges facing women and girls in the region.

Elisa Fernandez Saenz emphasized the transformative potential of inclusive policies and collaborative efforts across sectors, underscoring the importance of sustained partnership with government bodies, civil society, and international organizations. She also reiterated UN Women's steadfast commitment to advance gender equality and women's empowerment in Tajikistan.