Programme implementation
UN Women implements programmes (and their component projects) at country, multi-country, and regional levels through implementing partners, which include government entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), UN agencies, non-UN intergovernmental organizations, and UN Women (direct implementation).
Programmes are developed through a consultative process with partners and stakeholders at country, multi-country or regional levels, depending on their geographical scope. The full agreement of implementing partners is essential in this process. A programme must be in line with the UN Women Strategic Plan to receive final approval from UN Women’s Executive Director.
UN Women issues calls for proposals and calls for expressions of interest to identify and select, through a competitive process, suitable NGOs, academic institutions, and registered community-based organizations (CBOs) as implementing partners. A committee of technical evaluators scores submitted proposals against a set of criteria to establish potential partners’ technical capacity to deliver results, as well as their governance, management, financial, and administrative capacities. Selected implementing partners are those that score highest during proposal evaluation.
Partner agreements
Current calls
- Submission deadline:
- Submission deadline: