UN System Coordination in Europe and Central Asia Region
Support to UN Country Teams
The UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia provides country common programming technical support to UN Country Teams (UNCTs) in the region (including countries without a UN Women presence). This includes technical support to prepare Common Country Analysis (CCA) documents and the development and implementation of the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs) – a 5-year common country planning document of the UN at country level – to ensure that the UN joint planning processes at country level are gender responsive and apply the twin-track gender approach of gender mainstreaming and gender-focused intervention.
The UN Women Regional Office also provides technical support to UN Women offices by strengthening their capacities to actively participate in the planning, coordination, monitoring, reporting and evaluation processes of respective UNDAFs.
To expand the reach beyond the countries where UN Women has physical presence, together with UNFPA Regional Office, the UN Women Regional Office provides technical support and coordinates across all the Gender Theme Groups (GTGs), which are the gender-specific inter-agency coordination mechanisms at country level. As such UN Women and UNFPA collect and analyze key achievements, challenges, lessons learnt and promising practices in gender coordination and joint programming work in the region.
Regional Level UN System Coordination
Through the ECA Regional UN Development Group (R-UNDG) and the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), the UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia informs Regional Directors on key challenges, lessons, achievements and recommendations, both in terms of programmatic and normative/policy work to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region.
To support governments’ gender goals and related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, the UN Women Regional Office, with the support of UN Women Headquarters and its field offices, advocates for increased gender equality resources to ensure women’s participation and voice in decision making, including in monitoring and implementing the SDGs, and for increased capacity to collect and use of gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data.