Occuring at a time of multiple crises, the Regional Forum brings together a diverse array of stakeholders to promote action, find solutions and foster peer learning to achieve the sustainable transformation in the UNECE region. The event will feature a series of high level policy debates, side events, round tables and plenary sessions on accelerating SDG progress.
Diverse stakeholders, including the private sector, financial institutions, science and academia, local authorities, youth representatives and other civil society actors will share their perspectives on SDG acceleration, focusing particularly on the main issues to be addressed by the Summit of the Future in September 2024 - the next global opportunity to reinvigorate the SDGs.
UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, to highlight and accelerate progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region, is organizing two side events on “Gender sensitive parliaments: Inclusive Institutions,” taking place on the 11 March, 2024, and “Women in Sustainable Food Systems and Climate Action,” held on March 12th.