A Snapshot of Gender and Poverty in the Europe and Central Asia Region
The issue paper “A snapshot of gender and poverty in the Europe and Central Asia region” was developed by the UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia in preparation for the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68). This paper aligns with the CSW68 priority theme, which focuses on advancing gender equality and empowering women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions with a gender perspective.
The paper offers an overview of the current poverty situation in the region through a gender lens and identifies potential pathways for change by acknowledging key stakeholders and instruments for driving this change. Additionally, the publication explores the intricate connections between poverty and gender within the region's diverse context.
The findings in the issue paper also informed the civil society and multi-stakeholders consultations held on the CSW68 priority theme in January and February 2024.