The efficiency of the Istanbul Convention in combating violence against women
Date: Monday, 21 June 2021
Violence against women crosses social, economic and national borders. The Istanbul Convention aims at preventing violence, protecting the victims and ending the impunity of perpetrators.
10 years of the Istanbul Convention
Date: Thursday, 17 June 2021
The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) is the first international legally binding instrument in our fight to improve policies, provide services for women victims of violence and ultimately save lives. The Istanbul Convention recognizes violence against women as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women. Today, after 10 years from its signature, it is more important than ever…
Guidelines for gender-responsive sports organizations
Date: Wednesday, 16 June 2021
#SportsforGenderEquality #HeForSheGuidelines for Gender-responsive Sports Organizations have been developed by HeForShe Turkey as a trail-blazing effort to translate the UN Women’s Sports for Generation Equality principles into a feasible step-by-step guide.The Guidelines are structured to help sports organizations in terms of empowerment of women and girls and advancement of gender equality through concrete and quantifiable actions and indicators. For the complete version of the Guidelines…
Support offered to vulnerable families from the Republic of Moldova during COVID-19 pandemic
Date: Thursday, 10 June 2021
Over 4000 vulnerable families in Republic of Moldova benefited from care packages in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Representatives from the implementing and supporting partners reflect on the initiative.
Moldovan Father Overturns Gender Stereotypes
Date: Thursday, 10 June 2021
Dumitru Dunas is an exemplary father who wants his children to grow up healthy and well-adjusted. In his home country of Moldova, issues related to childcare and work-family balance are called “women's issues” or “mother issues”. An actively engaged father of 5 children, Dumitru Dunas shows how it can be done differently, without stereotypes.
Women's Entrepreneurship Expo - Day Three
Date: Friday, 4 June 2021
The Women's Entrepreneurship Expo ended with a celebration of all women entrepreneurs who work diligently to achieve their dreams while connecting with well-known international and regional companies to gain key skills and networks. The Expo was organized by UN Women from 27-29 April, with financial support from the Government of Japan.
Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo – Day Two
Date: Monday, 24 May 2021
From supply chains to e-commerce, the second day of our Expo highlighted integral issues for women entrepreneurs.Throughout the event, private sector partners shared valuable insights and guidance on accessing supply networks while women entrepreneurs delved into the world of digital sales—an area that became a game-changer for businesses during the #COVID19 pandemic.The Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo is organized by UN Women from 27-29 April, with financial support from the Government of…
Vulnerable families from Moldova benefit from care packages during the COVID-19 pandemic
Date: Monday, 24 May 2021
Over 4000 families from Moldova benefited from care packages in the context of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The beneficiaries are people from vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, elderly people, Roma people, vulnerable families, children who do not receive care from their parents, as well as people experiencing extreme poverty, especially women and girls in precarious conditions.
Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo – Day One
Date: Wednesday, 19 May 2021
At the first day of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo, women entrepreneurs worked hard on remodelling and regenerating their business ideas at the co-creation hubs. They also had the opportunity to explore how branding and marketing can boost their enterprises despite the pandemic.The Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo is organized by UN Women from 27-29 April, with financial support from the Government of Japan. Over the three days, the Expo attracted more than 500 participants, including 200…
Women's Entrepreneurship Expo Opening
Date: Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Organized by UN Women from 27-29 April, with financial support from the Government of Japan, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo attracted more than 500 participants, including 200 women entrepreneurs from Europe and Central Asia. Women entrepreneurs connected with each another and private sector partners to expand their networks. They benefited from exposure to practical business techniques, including pitching business plans to investors.0:11 Welcome and opening remarks18:24 Keynote remarks23…
Türkiye’de çocuk yaşta, erken ve zorla evliliklerin önlenmesi (Preventing CEFM in Turkey)
Date: Monday, 3 May 2021
Dünya genelinde ve Türkiye’de milyonlarca çocuğu, özellikle de kız çocuklarını etkileyen çocuk yaşta, erken ve zorla evlilikler (ÇEZE), bir insan hakları ihlali ve kadınlara ve kız çocuklarına yönelik bir şiddet türüdür. BM Kadın Birimi, “Türkiye’de Çocuk Yaşta, Erken ve Zorla Evliliklerin Önlenmesi Birleşmiş Milletler Ortak Programı” çerçevesinde uygulama partneri Cinsiyet Eşitliği İzleme Derneği (CEİD) iş birliğinde ÇEZE’nin önlenmesine yönelik faaliyetler yürütüyor. Program, İsveç…
UN Women’s first regional “Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo” in Europe and Central Asia
Date: Friday, 30 April 2021
UN Women’s first regional “Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo” in Europe and Central Asia held virtually between 27-29 April with the participation of hundreds of women entrepreneurs from 12 countries. We are proud to announce that the expo has attracted more than 500 participants, including 200 women entrepreneurs from Europe and Central Asia.A huge congratulations to all the participants! #ConectToCreate
Gender responsive budgeting trainings for central and local governments of Turkey
Date: Tuesday, 6 April 2021
UN Women has been organizing gender responsive budgeting trainings and workshops for central and local governments within the “Gender Equality in Political Leadership and Participation in Turkey” project, funded by Sweden through Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
Goal is gender equality in politics
Date: Tuesday, 6 April 2021
UN Women has been working towards increasing women’s leadership and participation within the “Gender Equality in Political Leadership and Participation in Turkey” project, funded by Sweden through Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
Changing gender roles in Albania
Date: Tuesday, 6 April 2021
For International Women’s Day, girls and boys in Albania changed their roles! Seven popular influencers in Albania used irony to raise awareness and put a spotlight on issues women and girls face every day. These include patriarchal norms, domestic abuse, sexual harassment, unpaid work, gender stereotypes and more.The campaign has been supported by actors, journalists, comedians and bloggers as part of the UN Joint programme on Eliminating Violence Against Women in Albania, financed by the…
Social mobilization in Georgia: Guria
Date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021
In 2017, in partnership with Taso Foundation, UN Women has started the Social Mobilization initiative for women and their communities in four regions of Georgia.As a result, women of different ages without income, have gained entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and small grants for enabling them to improve the well-being of their families as well as other women’s financial conditions.UN Women in Georgia presents women from Guria. As Gurian women say, they made ‘impossible’ changes in their…
Social mobilization in Georgia: Samegrelo
Date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Women’s unity is a very powerful force.Samegrelo is an example of how women assert this power. When an initiative for social mobilization was launched by UN Women and the Taso Foundation, active women gathered together and initiated a whole whirlwind of new enterprises with their civic activism. Through such effort, they inspired a lot of young people with their motivation and got them involved in the pursuit of improving the lives in their community.Today, in the villages of Samegrelo,…
Breaking gender stereotypes during COVID-19, Moldova
Date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021
We invite you to discover how during the COVID-19 pandemic, three boys and girls from Ungheni district, Republic of Moldova, learned to practice new hobbies breaking gender stereotypes.There are no prescribed roles for boys and girls. It’s time for equality.The video was developed within the EVA Project - Strengthened Gender Action in Cahul and Ungheni districts, funded by the European Union, and implemented by UN Women in partnership with UNICEF.
Social mobilization in Georgia: Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti
Date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021
In 2017, in the abandoned, almost deserted villages of Lechkhumi, the local women took the first steps towards breathing new life into the villages.It all started with an initiative by UN Women and the Taso Foundation in support of social mobilization. The women who joined the initiative gathered the other locals and set an example for them of how to stand together. This motivated others to follow suit.Through the activism of women, the villages now are filled with new joy and enthusiasm.…
Vision of youth: Reimagining a future of equality after the pandemic
Date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021
In 2021, we’re gearing up to recover from the damaging effects of the pandemic. The world is coming to terms with accepting a “new normal” but also embracing transformation and opportunities while doing so. As we are reimagining a new, transformative future, how can we translate this momentum into our fight for gender equality and social justice for all, including women, girls, men and boys from minority and marginalized communities? Let’s hear from young activists across Europe and Central…