Media Advisory: Generation Equality Midpoint Regional Event
“Accelerating digitalization in Europe and Central Asia: Partnerships on innovation and technology for women’s economic empowerment”

Date: 15 November 2023
Time: 09:00 – 17:00 GMT+06
Where: Almaty, Kazakhstan
What: UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is pleased to extend an invitation to the Generation Equality Regional Midpoint - “Accelerating digitalization in Europe and Central Asia: Partnerships on innovation and technology for women’s economic empowerment.”
This event will convene around 100 high-level partners from 15 countries across Europe and Central Asia, ranging from public officials and government representatives, private sector as well as youth and civil society organizations. The event aims to serve as a pivotal moment for Generation Equality by invigorating and expanding on its bold agenda to accelerate women’s economic empowerment through technology and innovation. Building on the Global Midpoint Event held on September 17, 2023, in New York, the Generation Equality Midpoint Regional Event represents an important opportunity to garner sustained attention towards accelerating digitalization for gender equality in Europe and Central Asia. To this end, the event will welcome new commitment-makers to the Generation Equality journey and will culminate in an award ceremony, securing 15 new commitments to the Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality.
Who: Hosted by Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Featured speakers include:
- Gülden Türköz-Cosslett, Regional Director a.i., UN Women Europe and Central Asia
- Kanysh Tuleushin, First Vice Minister of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Arbërie Nagavci, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Kosovo
- Valeriya Ionan, Deputy Minister for Euro Integration, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
- H.E. Kestutis Jankauskas, Ambassador of the European Union to Kazakhstan
- Natalia Mochu, Regional Director for CIS Region, International Telecommunication Union
For more details, check the attached agenda.
Why: Generation Equality stands as the world’s leading initiative to accelerate investment and action for gender equality. It unites organizations from every part of society to catalyze progress, advocate for change and take bold actions together. Launched in 2021 at the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico City and Paris, the initiative introduced a 5-year action agenda encapsulated in a Global Acceleration Plan for gender equality. This plan defines the most crucial actions necessary to accelerate progress in the next five years. In this regard, the Generation Equality Midpoint Regional Event will take stock of progress and expand existing commitments made by commitment-makers from Europe and Central Asia across various sectors and institutions.
How: The midpoint event will feature two interactive panels, focusing on concrete solutions and actions undertaken by commitment-makers to improve the accessibility of digital services and learning tools, promote innovative financing for 21st-century skills, address stereotypes to unlock digital literacy and access to technologies, and explore challenges and opportunities to accelerate investments in feminist innovation and technology. Additionally, the event will explore the creation and fortification of networks within digital/innovation hubs, as well as the meaningful use of data to measure and ensure diversity in digital economies.
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Media contact:
Victoria Puiu
International Communications Consultant
Strategic Partnerships, Intergovernmental and Normative Engagement
UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Email: [ Click to reveal ]