Call for Proposals for Voices Against Violence In Armenia

Submission deadline: 25 May 2024

UN Women plans to roll out Voices Against Violence curriculum in Armenia, to contribute to changing the behaviour of youth, boys and girls, that is currently all too often influenced by prejudice, gender stereotypes or gender-biased customs and traditions. The action will target two age groups of both sexes to train, covering Yerevan, Shirak and Kotayk regions of Armenia. The curriculum was developed by UN Women in cooperation with World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The Call for Proposals is advertised in the framework of the “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" Programme (Phase 2), funded by the European Union, implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Salome Ichkiti, Programme Analyst
  • Email: salome.ichkiti[at]