Call for Applications: Small Grants for Women’s Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Women-Led CSOs under the “Strengthening civil society capacities and multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance women’s rights and gender equality in Turkey” Project


UN Women in Turkey plans to award several Small Grants to eligible civil society organizations (CSOs) in the range of USD 2,500 to USD 30,000. Small Grants are intended exclusively to finance a limited range of eligible activities to support the development or strengthening of women’s CSOs and women-led CSOs’ institutional capacities. UN Women invites eligible applicants to submit Small Grants applications for the eligible activities, as elaborated in this advertisement.

This Call for Applications is launched within the framework of the “Strengthening civil society capacities and multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance women’s rights and gender equality in Turkey” project implemented by UN Women Turkey with the financial support of the European Union. 

Call for Applications (PDF)

Call for Applications (DOCX)

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

UN Women will solicit applications for Small Grants from women’s CSOs and women-led CSOs legally registered and operating in Turkey working in at least one of the following fields: 

  • Ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, including those facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.
  • Eliminating all forms of violence against all women and girls.
  • Eliminating all harmful practices, such as child, early and forces marriages.
  • Women’s unpaid care and domestic work.
  • Women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels.
  • Women’s economic empowerment.
  • Women’s access to enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology.
  • Advocating for sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment.
  • Women’s access to justice.
  • Male engagement in gender equality.
  • Women’s participation and leadership in sports.
  • Women’s poverty.
  • Advancing women’s and girls’ leadership, participation and equally benefiting from all aspects of peace, security, disaster risk reduction, and humanitarian action.

[EXTENDED] Application deadline: 30 July 2021, Turkey midnight time 

E-mail address for applications: [ Click to reveal ] 

*** An information meeting was organized for potential applicants on 25 June 2021. Please click here to view the presentation from the information meeting. ***