Call for Proposals: Strengthening civil society capacities and multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance women’s rights and gender equality in Turkey
UN Women in Turkey invites women’s rights/women-led civil society organizations (CSOs) and other relevant rights-based CSOs legally registered and operating in Turkey to submit project proposals under this Call for Proposals in the fields of:
- elimination of violence against women and girls,
- increasing women’s access to justice and human rights mechanisms, and
- advancing women’s economic empowerment, under the “Strengthening civil society capacities and multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance women’s rights and gender equality in Turkey” project implemented by UN Women Turkey Office, funded by the European Union.
The overall goal of this Call for Proposal is to increase the resources and capacities of women’s rights/women-led CSOs and other relevant rights-based CSOs in Turkey to advance the rights of women and girls where gender gaps persist – in line with Turkey’s national and international commitments and in consideration of COVID-19 impacts.
Call for Proposals (PDF)
Call for Proposals (DOCX)
Clarifications (PDF)
[EXTENDED] Due date for proposals: 16 June 2021, Turkey midnight time
E-mail address for applications: [ Click to reveal ]
*** An information meeting was organized for potential proponents on 20 May 2021. Please click here to view the presentation from the information meeting. ***