[Series of webinars] A thousand ways to solve our problems: Preventing and responding to violence against women from an intersectional perspective in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The European Union, the Council of Europe and UN Women are organizing a series of webinars "A thousand ways to solve our problems: Preventing and responding to violence against women from an intersectional perspective in the Western Balkans and Turkey," within the framework of the EU-UN Women programme “Ending violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Implementing Norms, Changing Minds.” Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 15 October 2020 | Start time: 11:30 UTC +00:00
End date: 09 April 2021 | End time: 13:30 UTC +00:00
Location: Virtual

Event description

The series of webinars will provide a space for knowledge sharing and discussion on how to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls from an intersectional perspective, acknowledging and addressing the specific issues faced by minority and marginalized women and girls from the Western Balkans and Turkey. The discussions will be informed by the research findings and policy briefs conducted with the participation of women's organizations, GREVIO baseline reports and CEDAW concluding observations related to minority and marginalized women, taking into account the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The events will be held on the International Day of Rural Women (15 October 2020); International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December 2020); International Migrants Day (18 December 2020); and International Roma Day (8 April 2021). The webinars will count on the participation of over 100 key stakeholders within national governments, civil society and grassroots organizations representatives, parliamentarians and representatives of regional institutions on gender equality and ending violence against women from the Western Balkans and Turkey and Council of Europe member states.


"Intersectional solutions to end violence against Roma women and girls” will be held on the occasion of the International Roma Day, 9 April 2021.


"Intersectional solutions to eliminate violence against migrant women and girls” will be held on the occasion of the International Migrants Day, 18 December 2020.


"Intersectional solutions to eliminate violence against women and girls living with disabilities” will be held on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2020.


"Intersectional solutions to eliminate violence against women and girls in rural areas” was held on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women, 15 October 2020. 
