"Nemam ti kad” Campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina has joined Generation Equality efforts in the summer of 2021, with a dedicated campaign that builds upon social mobilization and localization of Action Coalitions. The Generation Equality campaign continued in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023 through the work of the Action Coalition for Economic Justice and Rights, with a focus on the care economy and the economic empowerment of women.
The campaign under the slogan “Nemam ti kad” (“I don’t have time”) was implemented through various activities with the aim to increase the understanding of BiH citizens about the care economy and paid and unpaid work, the disproportionate responsibility for care between men and women as a source of gender inequality, the disproportion of care between families and society, and to encourage the public towards a change in attitudes that will contribute to gender equality and the economic empowerment of women.
The campaign was implemented as a part of the project “Translating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina into sustainable and inclusive growth (SDG2BiH)”, funded by Sweden and implemented by UNDP in partnership with UNICEF and UN Women in BiH under the United Nations overall support extended to the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement the SDG Framework in BiH. Campaign was implemented from March until July 2024.