Focus on Gender: Access to Finance for Women in Agri-business and Rural Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The 11th edition of "Focus on Gender" assesses all public and private stakeholders who can provide access to finance for women in rural areas. To accomplish this assessment, a mapping of the existing legal framework regarding access to finance was conducted. Additionally, an analysis of the public and private sectors with potential opportunities for traditional or innovative sources of finance was also undertaken.
Women who own agricultural businesses and those involved in rural tourism are the main target group for such funding. The project, funded by Sweden and implemented by UN Women BiH and the Food and Agriculture Organization, aims to empower women in the agriculture business in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska. The project seeks to improve the socioeconomic status of rural women and their families by addressing structural barriers through technology, innovative financing, and comprehensive training. The intervention focuses on integrating gender equality into policies, institutional budgeting, and developing an integrated approach to enhance access to economic opportunities, leveraging public and private sector financing.
The research primarily focuses on raising awareness of available funding sources and the barriers to accessing them. It identifies three profiles of women in agribusiness and provides a set of recommendations for key stakeholders.