Country gender equality profile of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Country Gender Equality Profile of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Edita Miftari, Masha Durkalić, Mariña Barreiro Mariño

The country gender equality profile will serve as an analytical and operational document, including an overview of opportunities to address the gaps identified through desk review and analysis.The report starts with the summary of the context in which the Country Gender Equality Profile is developed, analyzing the current state of human rights, the situation regarding gender in the current political setup, the achievements on the 2030 Agenda to date, and the importance of developing partner support. The report further analyses the policy and legal framework that applies to Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the international commitments to gender equality, the legislation, and the strategies that the local institutions have adopted as well as the existing gender institutional mechanisms. The report analyses the situation regarding gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina in several thematic areas, to wit: governance, political participation, and decision making; economic environment; healthcare and social protection; education; civic participation; and human security. Finally, the report in its conclusions addresses the remaining challenges and the opportunities related to gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the context of the sustainable development agenda.

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Masha Durkalić, Communication Associate,

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Assessments
Publication year
Number of pages