Study on the situation of Romani women and girls in the Republic of Moldova
Romani women and girls are one of Moldova' most disempowered groups. A significant portion of them have low education levels and poor health, lack marketable skills and employment qualifications and suffer from low self-esteem and motivation.
Gender inequalities in Romani households and interfamily relations, in the Romani community and in Moldovan society at large make Romani women particularly vulnerable to social exclusion, discrimination, violence and other human rights violations.
A lack of quantitative and qualitative statistics on Romani women and girls in Moldova has led to ineffective and unfocussed policies that perpetuate their disadvantaged status. In the absence of such data, their social exclusion and lack of empowerment risk being further exacerbated and reinforced.
This study examines the situation of Romani women and girls in Moldova.
Its findings indicate that the marginalized position of Romani women and girls in Moldova is determined by the interaction of gender discrimination, racism, class and discrimination and exclusion at various levels and in multiple situations, and a legacy of past exclusion.