Türkiye And Spain Exchange Insights on Gender Responsive Budgeting


A high-level delegation involving several Turkish institutions conducted a study visit to the Spain to learn about best practices and exchange experiences on gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). Photo: UN Women
A high-level delegation involving several Turkish institutions conducted a study visit to the Spain to learn about best practices and exchange experiences on gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). Photo: UN Women

A high-level delegation involving several Turkish institutions recently conducted a study visit to the Spain to learn about best practices and exchange experiences on gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). Organized by UN Women Türkiye in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Services (MoFSS) - General Directorate on the Status of Women (GDSW) and Presidency of Strategy and Budget (SBP), and co-funded by the European Union and UN Women, fourth study visit sought to foster equality between women and men in Türkiye by integrating gender perspectives into policymaking and budgeting processes.

Participants, consisting of expert-level representatives from various governmental bodies and civil society organizations, engaged in intensive discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions aimed at strengthening Türkiye’s capacity for implementing GRB effectively.

During the visit, delegates explored key aspects of GRB implementation, including the development of legal frameworks, budgetary legislation, and technical capacities for regulatory impact assessments. Insights were gleaned from experiences shared by Spanish counterparts, shedding light on strategies for embedding GRB into budgetary processes and strategic planning at both local and national levels.

The exchange of experiences and expertise between Spanish and Turkish authorities provided valuable guidance for policymakers and practitioners, offering insights into ways to enhance the country's policy framework and practices in GRB. 

The Implementation of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey Project supports the creation of a social order in which equality between women and men is achieved and women, men, girls and boys enjoy equal rights, services and opportunities. The gender responsive budgeting approach is centered on ensuring that budgeting and planning processes include a gender equality perspective at all levels and address the different needs and priorities of every individual in Türkiye.