Call for proposal: Strengthening the capacity of women-led organizations on response and advocacy for Elimination of Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Türkiye as a Form of Violence against Women

Submission deadline: 21 May 2024

Call for Proposals: “Strengthening the capacity of women-led organizations on response and advocacy for Elimination of Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Türkiye as a Form of Violence against Women (VAW)” under Joint Programme on Elimination of CEFM (CFP – TUR – 2024 – 01)

This Call for Proposals is launched within the framework of the “UN Joint Programme on Elimination of Child, Early and Forced Marriages” implemented by UN Women, UNICEF and UNFPA with the financial support of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Applicants are kindly invited to review the Terms of Reference (along with the templates of Partner Agreement and UN Women Policy documents) and the eligibility requirements carefully.

Eligible applicants are requested to ensure the submission of all documents listed below:

Part of proposal

Annex B-1 Mandatory Requirements/Pre-Qualification Criteria and Contractual Aspects

Part of proposal

Annex B-2 Template for Proposal Submission

Part of proposal

Annex B-3 Format of Resume for Proposed Personnel

Part of proposal

Annex B-4 Capacity Assessment Minimum Documents (supporting documents should be submitted with the application)

Application deadline: 27 May 2024, Türkiye midnight time.


Questions regarding the application processes can be submitted until 21 May 2024 until the end of business hours.

E-mail address for applications and questions: [ Click to reveal ]

When submitting applications and questions use of the reference code “CFP – TUR – 2024 – 02” in the subject section of the email is required.

Contact information

  • Email: turkey.procurement[at]