Call for Proposal: Capacity Building of Women Civil Society Organizations sustaining peace in Kyrgyzstan through applying innovative tools for informed local planning, decision making and implementation joint initiatives.

Submission deadline: 18 August 2023

UN Women Country Office in Kyrgyzstan is issuing a Call for Proposals and inviting CSOs/NGOs to submit a Proposal for implementation of the project activities as the Responsible Party and contribute to the implementation of the following project Outcome: ‘Women civil society organizations in Kyrgyzstan mitigate climate-related security risks in target localities and national level contributing towards sustained peace.’

The outcome of the project will be achieved through three outputs focusing on: 1) strengthening the institutional capacities of WCSOs engaged in peacebuilding especially in the South of the country, 2) supporting central and local government in creating sustainable and inclusive mechanisms and practices for partnering with WCSOs, and 3) creating opportunities to test new ways of collaboration WCSOs and the Government towards mitigating climate-related security risks and thus contributing to sustaining peace. The current call will be additionally funded from the project “Women in Batken lead social cohesion for peace and development”.  

Contact information

  • Contact person: Dildora Khamidova
  • Email: dildora.khamidova[at]
  • Telephone: +996 773006650