I am Generation Equality: Lolja Nordic, ecofeminist, climate activist


I am Generation Equality
Lolja Nordic, an ecofeminist from Russia protesting against femicides and domestic violence. Photo: Personal archive.
Lolja Nordic, an ecofeminist from Russia protesting against femicides and domestic violence. Photo: Personal archive.

I am Generation Equality because…

Three actions you can take to achieve climate justice:

  • Educate yourself about environmental issues
  • Listen to activists and support their initiatives
  • Icon- a girl raises her arm
  • Give voice and power to grassroots movements and the most vulnerable people to environmental crises.

I used to identify myself as an intersectional feminist fighting against different types of discrimination - sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, ageism and others. But I am also an eco-activist. I care about environmental pollution, animal rights and climate crisis. Due to stereotypes, I used to think that gender, race and sexual identity do not intersect with ecology. Through self-education, I learned the interrelation of feminism with climate justice. Ecological and intersectional feminism is what I am passionate about.

Fighting for environmental and social justice

It is important for me to help women and other vulnerable groups facing multiple forms of discrimination and to promote equal rights and opportunities for all. I cannot just look at the injustice around me. I call for social justice not only through activist actions, writing articles and holding discussions, but also through art, music, and cultural events. We need to convey ideas of social justice and speak with the audience in the most accessible language. I see that issues of gender, human rights and environment are often locked within a specific activist bubble and are not always available for a wider audience. We need to work towards making activist spaces more inclusive, accessible, safe and less hierarchical for different vulnerable groups.

Both young and older generations can join the fight against gender inequality and climate injustice. You can have a conversation with your closest circle; support activists’ interventions; criticize those in power ignoring environmental issues; hold corporations accountable; unite into horizontal communities; share experiences, strategies and knowledge to influence locally and globally. Use your privilege to support people in a more vulnerable position.

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“Climate crisis and environmental injustice cannot be addressed through gender-neutral measures.”
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What are the most urgent issues of our time also in the context of Russia?

In Russia, environmental protection issues are not the highest priority, especially during the pandemic. Nevertheless, an increasing number of people in Russia started taking action against pollution. One of the most recent examples is when activists in Arkhangelsk region managed to cancel construction of a huge waste landfill in the forest. These local steps are vital for raising awareness and growth of eco-activism across the country. I believe gradually more people will think beyond local environmental problems, and will start acting globally on issues of exploitation of natural resources, climate crisis, exploitation of animals among others.


Lolja Nordic is a young intersectional ecofeminist activist, independent artist and DJ from Russia. She is also a columnist and blogger. She is the co-organiser of the International DIY Charity Festival “NE VINOVATA” (“Not Her Fault”) in support of domestic violence survivors and co-founder of GRRR party – a series of safe space LGBTQ+ feminist night events in Moscow. Watch our video with Lolja here.

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