Press Release: An online course on effective planning and budgeting with a gender perspective launched in Kazakhstan


Photo: UN Women in Kazakhstan
A Kazakh woman pictured in a vivid marketplace in front of colorful textiles. Photo: UN Women in Kazakhstan

15 February 2021, Nur-Sultan - The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UN Women in Kazakhstan launched an online training course "Gender Analysis in the National Planning and Budgeting System" with the support of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan.

The course includes information on effective planning and budgeting for gender equality. It is intended for all government officials, experts and professionals in the field of management, planning and budgeting.

The online course consists of 5 modules, each of which includes several lectures on the topics: what is gender budgeting, in which countries it is used, what are the methods of introducing gender budgeting, and how to carry out gender analysis and practical examples. During the course, participants will learn a gender analysis methodology developed for Kazakhstan.

“We are confident that the course will provide all the necessary knowledge and tools to strengthen gender mainstreaming in all sectors of the economy and social development of Kazakhstan and will have a positive impact on the development of human capital. We would like to thank the Academy of Public Administration and the Ministry of National Economy for fruitful cooperation and promotion of gender-responsive budgeting in Kazakhstan”, said Dina Amrisheva, Program Manager of UN Women in Kazakhstan, during the presentation of the online course.

Gender-responsive budgeting is an innovative public policy tool that comprehensively assesses gender funding gaps and identifies actions to close them. It addresses gender bias and discrimination by analysing government budgets to ensure that national commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment are adequately funded.

“Foreign experience has shown that gender budgeting is a useful and effective tool that should be introduced into the Kazakhstani system of public administration, and civil servants at all levels should understand how this tool can be used in their daily work. Thanks to our course, specialists will be able to change the approach to planning strategic plans and budget programs in accordance with the needs of various groups of people”, said Yerlan Abil, Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.