I am Generation Equality: Anna Lavreniuk, student leader and opinion shaper
Billions of people across the world stand on the right side of history every day. They speak up, take a stand, mobilize, and take big and small actions to advance women’s rights. This is Generation Equality.Date:

I am Generation Equality because…
“I have often seen that I need to work harder than my male-peers. Everywhere I see boys treated differently than girls. For example, people say: ‘He’s more suited to become a leader, because he is convincing and strong’.
Three things you can do to become part of the Generation Equality
- Don’t be afraid to talk about topics which are ‘taboo’ in society.
- Destroy the myths surrounding feminism. Feminism is not about naked breasts, shouts or strikes. It is about equal opportunities for everyone.
- Be assured that, regardless of your gender, you are capable to do whatever you want to.
Even though I am strong and work hard, I‘ve heard completely different words to describe me: ‘weak’, ‘fragile’, ‘gentle’.
Changing mindsets
My goal is to educate people and explain the importance of feminism with clear, straightforward language. I believe that education will help shift their perspective.
In Ukraine, when it comes to gender equality, our efforts are often stalled because of the socially accepted stereotypes. Books, media and advertising reinforce that men should earn more money, while cooking recipes in magazines are exclusively for women. It’s hard to change peoples’ opinions.
Opinion leader
I talk about feminism in simple words to everyone in my surroundings. I try to write about it, share motivational videos or books that have changed my worldview.

“You should fight for equal rights for everyone, because this is the only way to build a happy society. ”
I deliver classes on gender equality where I talk about different types of discrimination and ways to overcome them. It is a very common practice to find examples of inequalities in our schoolbooks as well as the words of some teachers, which can be put into an entire encyclopedia of humiliating phrases.
As a Chairwoman of the National Council of Children and Youth in my region, I give equal opportunities to all people who want to work and implement their ideas. Regardless of your gender, everyone has a right to work equally. Only this way will we be able to form a team of capable people implementing cool projects.
If you want to live in a democratic country, if you wish for a better life for yourself and your children, then you should fight for equal rights for everyone, because this is the only way to build a happy society.
Sixteen-year-old student, Anna Lavreniuk, is a leader among her peers, actively working to raise awareness about gender equality. She heads her local school council and is the committee Chairperson on bullying in schools at the National Council of Children and Youth in her region.