Call for Proposals: Empowering women living in rural areas in Serbia
UN Women Programme Office in Serbia is announcing Call for Proposals as a part of the UN Women/EU Regional Programme “Ending Violence against Women in the Western Balkan and Turkey: Implementing Norms, Changing Minds”. This project is to contribute to ending violence against women focusing on availability and quality of service provision for women and girls subject to violence living in rural areas and other women facing multiple and intersecting discrimination. To achieve this, UN Women Programme Office in Serbia is inviting women civil society organizations (CSOs) to apply through the following Call for Proposals:
- CFP 04-18 EXT Empowering women living in rural areas
- Annex I Guidelines for Submission
- Annex II Application Cover Sheet
- Annex III Project Proposal Template
- Annex IV Workplan & Budget
Organizations that wish to participate in this Call for Proposals are requested to send all required application documents in one email to [ Click to reveal ] indicating in the email subject: EVAW Serbia - CfP 04-18 Empowering women living in rural areas and other women facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.
By 26 September 2018, 23:00 (Belgrade local time, CET).
Proposals received after the date and time may not be accepted for consideration.
UN Women will acknowledge receipt of the applications through a confirmation e‐mail. Only those short listed shall be considered and further contacted.