Women’s Entrepreneurship Satellite Expo 2023 in Kyrgyzstan

Event description
Event date: 13-14 November 2023
Event sponsors: UN Women in Kyrgyzstan, Ministry of Economy, EBRD, Accelerate Prosperity, Institute of Political and Economic Research

The Women's Entrepreneurship Expo 2023 is set to be a dynamic and empowering event aimed at fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among women in Kyrgyzstan. Organized under the leadership of UN Women, this satellite event is collaboratively designed in close partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, the women's business community, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Accelerate Prosperity, the Institute of Political and Economic Research, and other key partners. The goal is to bring together women entrepreneurs, business partners, and advocates who are committed to the fundamental values of inclusivity, diversity, and the principle of “Leave no one behind.” Additionally, this event will align with the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, with a specific emphasis on encouraging active support from the private sector in ending gender-based violence. The satellite event will be structured into three distinct phases:
Phase 1. Selection & Mentoring Programme:
202 women entrepreneurs will be invited to participate in the Online Orientation Session on the Women EXPO 2023 and Bootcamp. By November 1, UN Women selected 40 participants to showcase their products and services at an exhibition from November 6 to 10 at Asia Mall and offline at the two-day Women Expo on November 13-14 in Bishkek. Based on the submitted pitch decks, 20 out of the 40 participants will be invited to an online Business Pitch Event with experts and experienced entrepreneurs. On November 3, an online Business Pitch Event will take place to select 12-15 projects to present their business projects to a wide group of investors and investment experts.
Phase 2: The Expo Event
- Women Entrepreneurs’ products Fair Market at Asia Mall in Bishkek;
- Women's Entrepreneurship EXPO in Kyrgyzstan as a dynamic platform to engage in enlightening masterclasses, forge connections with potential investors, and establish valuable partnerships with fellow business leaders;
- Presentation of twelve talented women entrepreneurs;
Phase 3: Post-Expo Activities
- The global initiative, Women Entrepreneurs Day (WED), will be closely linked to Women-EXPO and hosted by the local women's business community, where results and achievements of Women-EXPO 2023 will be showcased.