Women’s Entrepreneurship Satellite Expo 2023 in Georgia

Georgia Satellite event
The Women’s Entrepreneurship Satellite Expo 2023 in Georgia is organized by UN Women Georgia as part of the “Good Governance for Gender Equality in Georgia” project. The event aims to advance the development of the women’s entrepreneurship ecosystem within the country, as an integral component of the Regional Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo 2023. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 21 October 2023 | Start time: 10:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 22 October 2023 | End time: 19:00 UTC +00:00
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia

Event description

Time: 10:00 – 19:00; Tbilisi, Georgia local time (UTC+4)

Event sponsors: UN Women Georgia with the generous support from the Norwegian Government, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, TBC Bank, Georgian Farmers’ Association, Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Expo Georgia, Business and Technology University

Georgia Satellite event

The two-day satellite event is designed to tackle the barriers women face when accessing economic opportunities. Its primary objective is to enhance market accessibility for women entrepreneurs, fostering market linkages and business prospects in various sectors. 

As a result, event will host 160 women entrepreneurs in the exhibition space. The platform will enable women-owned businesses to showcase their services and products to customers, private sector partners, investors and donor community. Furthermore, the event aims to facilitate connections between entrepreneurs and private sector partners, fostering collaborative business growth plans.

Over two days, the guests will have the opportunity to explore the diverse and unique offerings of 160 female entrepreneurs, including but not limited to:

  • Local, natural and delicious food products
  • Wines and gifts
  • Accessories
  • Decor and furniture
  • Self-care products
  • Handmade children’s toys
  • Many other unique and interesting items

Together with these traditional businesses, 10 more women-owned tech startups will be invited to pitch their products/services to a larger audience.

The event will also elevate the visibility and business development opportunities for women, thereby contributing to the creation of inclusive marketplaces and the expansion of inclusive value chains. These efforts are expected to enhance profitability for women entrepreneurs.

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