Gender and Energy: Overcoming Energy Poverty and Advancing Just Energy Transitions

Gender and energy event cover
The side event of the RFSD 2023 aims to bring together experts from ECE region to discuss the intersection of gender and energy, and to focus on two critical areas: energy poverty and just energy transitions. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 28 March 2023 | Start time: 10:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 28 March 2023 | End time: 11:30 UTC +00:00
Location: Virtual, Zoom

Event description

The side event of the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development 2023 aims to bring together experts from ECE region to discuss the intersection of gender and energy. The event will focus on two critical areas: energy poverty and just energy transitions. The goal is to share experiences and insights, identify challenges, and explore opportunities to overcome energy poverty and advance just energy transitions in the region.

The expected outcomes of the event:

  • To raise awareness of the intersections between of gender, poverty and energy, highlighting the impact of energy poverty on women, girls and marginalized communities.
  • To share best practices, experiences, and challenges in overcoming energy poverty, including the role of renewable energy and energy efficiency in improving access to energy services, best practices in inclusive stakeholder consultations and innovative financial instruments to support vulnerable communities.
  • To discuss the importance of just energy transitions and the role of gender in shaping energy policies and initiatives. 
  • To identify opportunities for regional cooperation and collaboration in advancing just energy transitions

For more information, see the event concept note. Please register for the event here.

Sponsored by: Europe and Central Asia Regional Office
Other Co-Sponsors: Stockholm Environment Institute, The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
More information:
Contact person: Yolanda Iriarte yolanda.iriarte[at]