An inclusive future for Ukrainian youth: Challenges, opportunities, and the needs of youth not in education, employment, or training

As a result of the war in Ukraine, approximately 3.7 million people have become internally displaced and over 6 million people have fled to other countries in Europe, particularly neighbouring countries. Youth have been particularly affected, defined by the Ukraine Youth Policy as individuals aged 15 to 29. As of 2020, 15.5 per cent of people aged 15 to 24 were considered not in employment, education or training (NEET) – around 18 per cent female and 13 per cent male. Although the NEET rate in Ukraine had been declining, the war has increased the risk of disruptions in youth education, professional training, and struggles to find meaningful employment that contributes to self-realization. As the war in Ukraine continues and recovery plans are being developed simultaneously, the situation and needs of NEET youth must be considered, along with the challenges youth may face in accessing education, employment and training moving forward. This brief focuses on the situation of NEET youth from Ukraine by identifying the unique needs, challenges and capacities of youth displaced both in Ukraine and neighbouring countries (Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) and the availability of opportunities for youth. Attention is also paid to factors such as gender, disability and membership in a minority community that may raise additional vulnerabilities and challenges. This brief concludes with practical recommendations to promote the integration of Ukrainian NEET young women, girls, young men and boys into services, programming and assistance delivered in the context of the regional response to the war in Ukraine.