Implementation Guide: Law No. 6284

Implementation Guide: Law No. 6284

Law No. 6284 Implementation Guide is a key output of the "Strengthening Women’s Access to Justice and Improving Response of Judicial System for More Effective Implementation of Legislation in Combating Violence against Women in Türkiye" Project, implemented between January 2022 and May 2023 in cooperation with the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Justice Directorate General of Legal Support and Victim Services and UN Women Türkiye Country Office, and is part of an initiative to improve the effective implementation of Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence against Women. The Implementation Guide aims to ensure that judges and public prosecutors effectively implement Law No. 6284 in line with international standards, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). It addresses frequently asked questions and provides detailed interpretations, reflecting recent developments in Turkish law, victims' rights, and relevant Constitutional Court jurisprudence. The product was developed with prominent judges, prosecutors and the Ministry of Justice.

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Ayşe Gültekin,

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UN Women office publishing: Turkey Country Office
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