Handbook for youth on gender-based and intimate partner violence

Handbook for youth on gender-based and intimate partner violence
Ivana Markulić, Majida Lubura Ćosić

Handbook for youth on gender-based and intimate partner violence is a result of joint work of UN Women Serbia and The National Youth Council of Serbia, the highest representative body of youth in Serbia, and was published as a part of UN Women Serbia's initiative "Youth against violence". It gives clear and concise overview of basic terminology in the domain of violence with focus on all forms of gender-based violence. In this handbook, young person will find information on how to react if he/she finds himself/herself in a situation of violence, how to recognize and report violence. Beside this, the handbook contains list of available support services of civil society organizations that are competent in this field.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia Serbia
Resource type(s): Manuals/guides
Publication year
Number of pages