Implementing Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey
Implementing Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey (GRB) project aims to empower women and further strengthen gender equality ecosystem in Türkiye through systematic and sustainable integration of gender perspective at all stages of national and local policymaking and budgeting processes. The GRB brochure gives detailed information on the project's objectives, activities, budget, implemention period and the partners. Within the framework of the GRB project: National and local authorities in Türkiye will have increased awareness and understanding of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) to better address the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) financing gap and advance GEWE as a result of the activities to be realized within Result 1. National and local authorities in Türkiye will have capacities to develop gender-responsive policies, plans, and programmes as a result of the activities to be realized within Result 2. Gender advocates and women’s groups will have enhanced capacities on monitoring and ensuring accountability on spending for the achievement of GEWE results as a result of the activities to be realized within Result 3.
The project is one of a kind in terms of building a project based collaboration with Ministry of Family and Social Services –Directorate General on the Status of Women and Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye -Presidency of Strategy and Budget.