EU Gender Country Profile for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021

EU Gender Country Profile for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021 cover page
Nina Karađinović

Gender equality is a universally recognised human right and a core value of the European Union (EU), as well as a driver of economic growth, prosperity, good governance, peace and security. The EU, as one of the global front-runners in promoting gender equality, has strived, through the new EU Gender Action Plan III (EU GAP III) for an approach that combines gender mainstreaming, targetd actions and political dialogue. The EU Gender Country Profile for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021 was developed in response to the obligations specified within the EU GAP III that EU Delegations prepare an updated gender country profile, which will then be used to develop a country-level implementation plan. The publication includes a brief elaboration of the country context; key features of the political organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina; relations with the EU as well as the social and economic context. The remainder of the publication is structured around the thematic areas and objectives identified by EU GAP III: ensuring the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence; promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights; promotion of economic and social rights and empowerment of girls and women; promotion of equal participation and leadership; integration of the program on women, peace and security; facing the challenges and opportunities offered by the green transition and digital transformation. The publication was developed, within the EU funded Gender Equality Facility Project implemented by UN Women BiH, through a participative process with key stakeholders that included national institutions, international organizations, EU Member States and civil society organisations.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Assessments
Publication year
Number of pages