Implementing Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey Booklet

Gender responsive budgeting flyer Turkey first page

Gender responsive budgeting is a strategy that considers the different needs and priorities of women and men by integrating gender perspective into all stages of planning and budgeting. The overall objective of gender-responsive budgeting is to achieve a society where women and men enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Implementing Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey project aims to systematically and sustainably improve planning and budgeting where different priorities and needs of women and men are taken into account. Designed to help achieve the primary objectives of the 11th Development Plan of the Republic of Turkey, the project promotes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Planned for the period of 2020-2023, the project is aimed at ensuring that women and men enjoy equal rights, services, and opportunities.

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Tayfun Yilmaz,[ Click to reveal ]

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Geographic coverage: Türkiye
UN Women office publishing: Türkiye Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages