The practical guide to gender analysis of legislation and draft regulations

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Gender equality is measured through equal opportunities and equal access of different groups of women and men to rights, services and resources. When measuring gender equality, it is important to comprehensively account for the possible direct and indirect discrimination, its root causes, as well as the impact of existing legislation and draft regulations.

The practical guide to gender analysis of legislation and draft regulations offers a single approach to gender analysis, based on the relevant international standards and leading foreign and national cases in ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men. It aims to provide effective tools and practical advice that may be useful at every stage of the gender legal analysis.

The guide is designed to provide expert support to civil servants, legal professionals, staff of various departments of central executive bodies and regional state administrations, as well as those, who conduct gender legal analysis. The manual can also be used in conducting public gender analysis of draft regulations by individuals, legal entities and public associations.

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