UN Women Tajikistan Facilitates Knowledge Exchange Roundtable Following Study Visits to the Georgia and USA

UN Women Tajikistan facilitated a roundtable discussion for local project partners, INGOs, Committee on Women and Family Affairs and all shelters operating in Tajikistan, focusing on recent study tours conducted to Georgia and USA as part of the “Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention and Response in Tajikistan” project funded by United States Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). The roundtable aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices among partners involved in running shelters, managing cases of violence against women (VAW), and coordinating joint efforts. The study tours were designed to promote peer learning and the exchange of insights between local governments, civil society organizations and shelters in Tajikistan and their counterparts in the USA and Georgia. Participants engaged in discussions aimed at adapting successful strategies and approaches observed during the tours to the Tajikistan context.
In June 2023 and May 2024, a delegation from Tajikistan visited Georgia and the USA with the aim of sharing knowledge and fostering peer learning with colleagues in these countries. The delegation had the opportunity to engage in various insightful meetings and exchanges with State and non-state run shelters, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutors’s Office, Agency for State Care and Assistance, UN Women Office in Georgia and the Florida Department of Children and Families, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), University of Central Florida, Safe Home for Adult Survivors, Domestic Violence shelter HELP NOW of Osceola Victim Services Center of Central Florida and National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (NTSA).
The roundtable was privileged to host the INL Acting Directior, Mr. Michael Kopper, who commenced proceedings with a welcome speech acknowledging the significant contributions and capacity-building achievements of the GBV project in Tajikistan over the past two years. Mr. Michael Kopper highlighted the program's impact on strengthening Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)across the country.
"Thank you to UN Women Tajikistan, government, CSOs, and partners responsible for implementing this project. Having visited over 100 countries, I have concluded that developing laws takes time. Equally crucial is the cooperation among CSOs and stakeholders to effect change. By working together, we can effectively prevent violence and promote gender equity," shared Michael Kopper, Acting Director of INL in Tajikistan.
The event was conducted in close cooperation and active participation of the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the government of Tajikistan, Mrs. Umeda Abdullozoda, the head of the department on gender issues and international relations, Mrs. Javohir Akobirova and the representatives of women’s department from the project pilot districts.
“The importance of sharing the knowledge and experience gained from other countries is very important action for all of us to improve our work in delivering of proper services to those who in need and implement the law and strategy on gender equality in Tajikista,” pointed out Umeda Abdullozoda, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the government of Tajikistan.
Participants of the study tour each shared their feedback and insights during the event. They hosted the presentation of their visions for implementing valuable and feasible practices within Tajikistan based on their experiences and learnings from the tours. The roundtable covered a wide range of topics aligned with the recent visits to the USA and Georgia, including a brief introduction summarizing the key highlights of the study tours, and the key topics. The roundtable also featured an interactive format, including the screening of two video shorts titled “Be the Hero” and “Rachel’s Story” focusing on Gender-Based Violence.
“Consideration of the importance of reforms on policy level and creation of mechanism for their implementation; criminalization of domestic violence; provision of integrated and comprehensive services support to survivors, implementation of rehabilitation program; capacity building of qualified specialists; awareness raising on violence against women and girls and its consequences,” are some of the conclusions and recommendations made in the presentation of Zarina Urakova, UN Women Portfolio Coordinator.
The outcome of the roundtable was the consensus that all key stakeholders, including local authorities, CSOs, INGOs, shelters and donors should collaborate effectively through an integrated approach to achieve shared goals in combating gender-based violence and enhancing victim support services. Participants emphasized the importance of fostering stronger partnerships, sharing resources, and coordinating efforts across organizations and sectors. It was agreed that through unified action and mutual support of all relevant stakeholders we can better address the complex challenges posed by gender-based violence and create lasting positive impacts in communities.
The roundtable was conducted within the framework of the “Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention and Response in Tajikistan” project, implemented by UN Women Tajikistan in partnership with public organization “Gender and Development” and funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. Department of State.
UN Women has worked in Tajikistan since 1999 to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Aligned with the country’s national development priorities, UN Women supports Tajikistan’s efforts to implement its gender equality commitments by focusing on women empowerment, ending violence against women and peace and security and engendering humanitarian action.
For further details, please contact: Davroni Davronzoda, National Communication Consultant, E-mail: davroni.davronzoda@unwomen.org.