COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker Factsheet: Europe and Central Asia, December 2020


Globally and in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region, the human cost of the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply disrupted various aspects of people’s lives. It is clear that women have been disproportionately affected and the pandemic has deepened pre-existing gender inequalities. With repercussions on employment, loss of jobs and livelihoods, and adverse social impacts, violence against women and girls has also intensified around the world, and the ECA region is no exception.

Drawing on the COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker, a global database compiled by UNDP and UN Women, this factsheet provides an overview of policy measures adopted in the ECA region across three key dimensions: the surge in violence against women and girls, the increased burden of unpaid care work, and women’s economic insecurity due to losses in income, livelihood and jobs.

Overall, the gender dimensions of policy responses have been uneven, with substantial differences among the ECA region’s 17 countries and territories. Of a total 248 measures adopted, 82 were gender-sensitive measures.  Data show that governments are prioritizing policies to combat violence against women and girls. Across the region, 54 measures have been adopted to support women survivors of gender- based violence, while measures taken to address women’s economic insecurity (14) and the increased burden of unpaid care (14) are much fewer.

Rewatch the launch of the tracker in Arabic, English, French or Spanish.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Resource type(s): Data/statistics Briefs
UN Women office publishing: Europe and Central Asia Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages