Putting women at the forefront of the COVID-19 response in Europe and Central Asia
COVID-19 is causing an unprecedented crisis that is disrupting lives, health, economies and societies. It has altered perceptions of safety and security for millions of people in social isolation, particularly women. The pandemic is the greatest socioeconomic shock since World War II.
COVID-19 is not just a health crisis, it is a humanitarian and development crisis with the worst impact expected in fragile contexts and conflict settings. Evidence shows that the impacts and implications of COVID-19 are different for women and men, and that they are exacerbating existing gender inequalities and posing an additional burden for women and girls.
Against this background, the publication provides an overview of UN Women's response, solutions and approach to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and Central Asia region. UN Women is working to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment are both integrated as a cross-cutting commitment in prevention, response and recovery, and made an integral factor in effective COVID-19 mitigation strategies and actions.