Gender-responsive evaluation of the “Strategy for the protection and integration of the Roma national minority into Ukrainian society until 2020”
Roma people in Ukraine are subject to discrimination, hate crimes and racist incidents, including discrimination by law enforcement officials. In this context, Roma women face multiple forms of discrimination, due to ethnicity/race, sex, gender and social status. In 2019, the Parliament Sub-Committee on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, Ethnic Minorities and International Relations and the Office of the Parliament Commissioner on Human Rights requested a gender-responsive evaluation of the Roma strategy until 2020 to inform the development of the post-2020 Roma strategy and the national action plan on its implementation.
The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the progress made by the Government of Ukraine, regional and local authorities and their key partners in the implementation of the strategy and its action plan from 2013 to June, 2019 at the national, regional and local levels. The evaluation looks into gender responsiveness and impact of policy design, implementation and monitoring and reviews alignment with the national policies promoting gender equality. Based on the findings of the evaluation, lessons were drawn and recommendations were formulated for the development of the post-2020 Roma strategy and action plan, in accordance with the European and international standards (e.g. CoE, OSCE, EU, UN), as well as the relevant national legal and policy frameworks, particularly those on human rights and gender equality.
This publication has been produced by the UN Women Ukraine project “Gender equality at the center of reforms, peace and security” enabled by the financial support from Sweden.
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Kateryna Lytvynenko, Communication and Advocacy Specialist,