Making Every Woman and Girl Count In Brief: Europe and Central Asia

brief making every woman and girl count

Reliable, accessible and appropriately disaggregated statistics are essential for monitoring commitments to gender equality. UN Women Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECA RO) is providing technical and financial support to develop gender statistical capacity in the region through "Making Every Woman and Girl Count" (Women Count) in Europe and Central Asia, which is part of the global Women Count programme. The brief provides a glimpse into the programme, the importance of gender disaggregated statistics, major results achieved in 2018 and priorities for 2019.

ECA RO’s achievements in 2018 include; building partnerships with the four Common Chapter UN agencies (UNDP, UN Women, UNICEF, UNFPA) in the region to prioritize gender equality and gender dissegrated data, enhancing capacity of Georgia and Tajikistan to develop national plans on gender statistics and localize gender-related targets under the SDGs. With the support of UN Women, countries in the region also improved their production and dissemination of gender statistics and established data user-data producer dialogue. As part of efforts to increase accessibility and dissemination of gender statistics, an online gender data portal, a single point of entry for users to access and analyze key gender statistics, was developed in Georgia. Civil society engagement and advocacy was promoted in Kyrgyzstan where School of Data, a civil society organization of young data journalists, turned statistical gender data into five human-interest stories related to political participation, violence against girls, access to healthcare, education and labour force participation.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Resource type(s): Briefs
UN Women office publishing: Europe and Central Asia Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages