Slobodanka Dekić
Violence against women is a problem of the entire society, it is considered a global pandemic, and the role of the media is to address this issue in a responsible way and to stir public discussion. UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) supported production of a handbook that adresses media coverage of gender-based violence. The handbookis intended for journalists, editors, students of journalism, bloggers and public relations officials in institutions working to end violence against women in BiH. The handbook was produced under the three-year programme “Standards and Engagement for Ending Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” which is funded by Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). It summarizes important information about the procedures, laws and relevant institutions, and also sheds light on certain aspects of violence against women that arerarely, if at all, covered by the media. The handbook also provides a training methodology for responsible coverage of violence against women, in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills to all who would like to take a more active role in addressing the issue.
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