Women, Peace and Security: Guide for Ministry of Defence and General Staff of Ukraine

WPS MoD Guide cover
Olena Suslova, Women’s Information Consultative Center

The Security Sector Reform has to consider the different security needs of men, women, girls and boys. The integration of gender perspectives is the key factor to ensure the efficiency and accountability of the security sector in order to strengthen local initiatives in the reform process and to ensure their legitimacy. Consideration of gender perspectives in the security sector contributes to more comprehensive process of normative acts development as well as provides valuable experience and knowledge about men and women to the security sector structures.

This Guide provides the Ministry of Internal Affairs and General Staff of Ukraine with the practical tools to include  gender perspectives in the security sector reform process, based on international and national commitments on gender equality and women's rights (including but not limited to CEDAW, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security etc.)

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Uliana Bila, Programme Associate, +38 044 253 59 80, uliana.bila@unwomen.org 

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Manuals/guides
Publication year
Number of pages