Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Analysis of Budget Programmes from Gender Perspective

Manual GRB analysis
UN Women/Sida GRB Project/Friederich Ebert Foundation

"The purpose of the manual "Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Analysis of Budget Programmes from Gender Perspective" is to provide public officials working on gender budget analysis a simple tool on how to carry out the analysis. While Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) involves a full process from analysis of budget programs from a gender perspective to a process of change based on identified gender equality gaps, as well as the integration of gender perspectives throughout the budget process, the contents of this manual are focused on providing a guideline for carrying out the analysis which is a basis and starting point for further work to make policies and budgets more gender responsive. The method presented in this manual can be used by public authorities at all levels of government. It is especially useful for program analysis at the level of the state budget, oblast budgets and local budgets.

The manual is intended for use of public officials and provides guidance in the different steps of GRB analysis. Even though it is structured in a simple way, it is recommended that the manual is used in parallel to providing trainings or workshops for public officials to explain the process of analysis.

The manual is a collaborative effort between three international organizations and projects involved in GRB work in Ukraine with the joint objective to provide support to the introduction of Gender Responsive Budgeting in Ukraine. UN Women, the Sida funded "Gender Budgeting in Ukraine" project and Friedrich Ebert Foundation joined their efforts to develop a simple methodology of gender budget analysis which is a crucial step in introducing gender responsive budgeting.

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Languages available in print
English and Ukranian
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Anastasia Divinskaya, UN Womenh Gender Advisor in Ukraine, +38 044 253 59 80

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Manuals/guides
Publication year
Number of pages