Road Map and Costing of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combatting Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence

Mimoza Agolli, Monika Kocaqi, Ani Plaku

Road Map and Costing of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combatting Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence 

This study began September 2012, prior to the Government of Albania’s ratification on 4 February 2014 of the Council of Europe’s (CoE) Istanbul Convention, which obliges states to address and prevent violence against women and girls, take measures to protect its victims and prosecute perpetrators.

The road map and costing study provides insights into the Government of Albania’s actions and the measures it adopted to comply with the Istanbul Convention’s standards regarding services to survivors of gender-based and domestic violence.

The policies and measures described in the study are seen as dynamic short and long term interventions. The study assesses the resources, mainly financial, required at the national level to support policies and measures required to meet its Istanbul Convention obligations to prevent and combat violence against women and their most cost-efficient allocation.

The team gathered basic information about existing services to understand where the Albania Government had to allocate funds to support existing services and disburse new funds to address the Istanbul Convention’s requirements.

This study is not an assessment of existing violence against women prevention and protection services in Albania. The team did not conduct a systematic review or research what each service provides since this would require independent studies, some of which, like the Coordinated Community Response study, the Government had already undertaken, and the results used in this road map and costing study.

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Resource type(s): Good practices
UN Women office publishing: Europe and Central Asia
Publication year
Number of pages
Governing body/ies: UN Women Executive Board