Call for Proposal: Redistribution of unpaid care work


UN Women Programme Office in Serbia is announcing Call for Proposals as a part of the UN Women Gender Responsive Governance Programme “Redistribution of unpaid care work ”, funded by UK Good Governance Fund. This project is to contribute to a transformation of gender relations in care and economy of care by developing policies and measures that will lead to changing patterns of parental obligations and unpaid household work, by combining economic, social and employment initiatives. Within proposed actions, pilot initiatives for equal participation of women and men in the economy of care will be implemented at the local level, aiming for the best practices to be further incorporated in the local governance plans of actions and funding. To achieve this, UN Women Programme Office in Serbia is inviting women civil society organizations (CSOs) and organisations that have gender equality and women’s rights set within organization’s goals, to apply through the following Call for Proposals:

This UN Women Call for Proposals consists of four sections and a series of annexes that will be completed by proponents and returned with their proposal:

CFP section 1: CFP letter (this document) 

CFP section 2: Proposal data sheet

CFP section 3: Instructions to proponents

CFP section 4: UN Women Terms of Reference

CFP forms to be returned (mandatory):

Annex B2-1 Proposal/no proposal confirmation form

Annex B2-2 Mandatory requirements/pre-qualification criteria

Annex B2-3 Call for proposal (Template for proposal submission)

Annex B2-4 Resumes of proposed team members

Annex B2-5 Capacity Assessment Checklist

Organizations that wish to participate in this Call for Proposals are requested to send all required application documents in one email to [ Click to reveal ] indicating in the email subject: GRG 2019/01 Serbia - CFP 01/19 EXT, by 17 November 2018, 23:00 (Belgrade local time, CET).

Proposals received after the date and time may not be accepted for consideration.

UN Women will acknowledge receipt of the applications through a confirmation e‐mail. Only those short listed shall be considered and further contacted.