New survey reveals violence against women occurs widely in Albania

(Tirana, 24 May) - One in two (52.9%) Albanian women have experienced violence during their life time. This is one of the findings of the third National Population Survey “Violence Against Women” launched today.
Following the first and second national surveys (2007, 2013) which focussed only on domestic violence, , the 2018 Survey collects for the first time data on the nature and prevalence of other forms of violence: dating violence, non-partner violence, sexual harassment, stalking and brings forth findings on social norms related to violence against women.
65.8% of surveyed women experienced dating violence during their life-time, 47% have experienced intimate partners domestic violence; 1 in 5 women experienced physical and/or sexual violence and 18.2% of women experienced non-partner violence.
The Survey reveals that 18.1% of women experienced sexual harassment during their life-time and 12.6% of women experienced stalking.
The Survey brings data on the acceptance of violence against women among men and women in Albania. Findings revealed that 1 in 2 women believe violence between a husband and wife is a private matter; and 46.5% of women believe that a woman should tolerate some violence to keep her family together; 26.1% of women believe a woman should be ashamed or embarrassed to talk to anyone if she is raped. The survey data serves to monitor progress on indicators for Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16 related to violence against women and girls.

All the surveyed women, said that domestic, sexual violence and harassment, and stalking are major concerns for the Albanian society. 83 % believe that it is key for the country to havelaws that protect women and girls from violence in marriage/families and 81 .9% believe that it is necessary to have in place legislation that protects them from sexual assault and rape.
The General Director of the Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), Delina Ibrahimaj said: “This phenomenon is one of the most severe violations of the human rights in our society, including almost all the age groups and communities. It is one of the critical issues which needs immediate measures to be undertaken and urgent solutions. Therefore, I hope this meeting will serve to push forward the state mechanisms, international organizations, civil society organizations and all the other stakeholders to fight this phenomenon with all the forms”.
Read more on UN Women's website for Albania