North Macedonian pop stars sing to raise awareness on gender-based violence during 16 Days

The UN, the EU and the OSCE Mission to Skopje have joined forces for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence under the slogan “Don’t be quiet, don’t endure, END IT!” in North Macedonia. On 2 December, at the Philharmonic Orchestra of North Macedonia, Macedonian pop stars including Tamara Todevska, Dani Dimitrovska, Antonija Gigovska, Svetlana Jovanovska, John Ilija Apelgren, Luka Gjogievski (Fank Shui), and Branko Nikolov (Foltin) joined to sing “Black Eyes”, arranged by Djijan…

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Amplifying the voices of UN Trust Fund grantees: ACEV

Date: Tuesday, 9 April 2019

The Mother Child Education Foundation (ACEV), funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, aims to transform gender norms in communities using fatherhood as an entry point to prevent violence. Their methodology is now being replicated around the country, generating grassroots movements of engaged citizens. Watch this interview with Suna Hanoz, International Programs Manager of ACEV, discuss the societal change the project strives for through their work with fathers.

Kosovo girls and boys celebrate International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

UN Women and the Kosovo Football Federation organized the “Sport for Peace” event, with girls and boys from different communities in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), demonstrating how sport serves as a powerful tool to strengthen social ties, and to promote ideals of peace, tolerance, solidarity and understanding by breaking down gender, language and ethnic barriers. This event is organized within the joint United Nations “Empowering Youth for a Peaceful, Prosperous, and Sustainable Future in…

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Veronica Romanciuc’s story – teaser

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our fourth heroine - Veronica Romanciuc

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Veronica Romanciuc’s story

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Veronica Romanciuc, 72 years old, is the fourth heroine of the UN Women campaign "You Can Too" in Moldova. After being forced to retire from her former job due to her age, she overcame obstacles and barriers and found another job. She now works as a private tutor for children. Ms. Romanciuc demonstrates that age should not be a burden and a barrier for women.

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Silvia Feraru’s story – teaser

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our fifth heroine - Silvia Feraru!

Elena Bogdan, the woman that fights for the rights of Roma people

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Elena Bogdan, a community mediator from Hancesti, talks about being a woman-mediator and how she succeeded in this position. She is helping Roma children to integrate into school, motivates them and encourages them to follow their dreams. Elena Bogdan identifies as the trusting person of the Roma people involved in the local public administration, as well. Follow the story of Elena in the video above, that was created by UN Women, with the financial help of the Political Affairs Department…

Maia Balan, the librarian that brought change in her native village

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Maia Balan, the librarian and resident of Bilicenii Vechi village from Balti district, has initiated in 2017 the process of repairing the artesian probe from the village that was blocked since 1995. She involved a local councillor and other people from Biliceni, and today, this well provides water for the local kindergarten. Find out more about Maia in the video-story created by UN Women with the financial support of the Political Affairs Department within the UN.

Larisa Voloh, the mayor that believes in youth’s power

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Larisa Voloh, the mayor of Palanca is the leader that always believed in youth’s power. In this video story she tells us how, on the terms of her mandates, she always supported the youth from her village and always encouraged them to get involved in the development of the community. Now, due to her support, the youngsters are free to develop social entrepreneurship and any other idea that will help the people who are living in Palanca village, Stefan-Voda district. The video material was…

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Silvia Feraru’s story

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Silvia Feraru is the fifth heroine of the UN Women campaign "You Can Too" in Moldova. For many years, she was discriminated based on her ethnicity. She overcame the stereotypes and since 2012 she is defending the rights of Roma people as a community mediator.

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Irina Smirnova’s story – teaser

Date: Thursday, 4 April 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our third heroine – Irina Smirnova!

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Irina Smirnova’s story

Date: Thursday, 4 April 2019

Irina Smirnova is the third heroine of the UN Women campaign "You Can Too" in Moldova. For two years, she suffered domestic violence, but she managed to break this vicious cycle. Today, she has a new place to live and work and she enjoys a peaceful life with her two children.

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Irina Poverga’s story

Date: Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Irina Poverga is the second heroine of the campaign "You can too". She was diagnosed with HIV when she was just 20 years old, but this did not stop her from giving birth to a perfectly healthy child. For many years, she is defending the rights of mothers and children HIV positive.

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Irina Poverga’s story – teaser

Date: Tuesday, 2 April 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our second heroine – Irina Poverga!

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Aliona Lazarenco’s story

Date: Thursday, 28 March 2019

Her name is Aliona Lazarenco. She says that strength disregards humiliation and resignation, it is about will, courage and work. She is the first visually impaired person who studied at Balti State University in Moldova. After countless refusals to be employed, she managed to make a career at the National Centre for the Information and Rehabilitation of Blind People. She is a member of the national football team of the visually impaired people. Watch her story!Ea este Aliona Lazarenco,…

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Aliona Lazarenco’s story - teaser

Date: Thursday, 28 March 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our first heroine - Aliona Lazarenco!În luna martie 2019, UN Women Moldova lansează campania „Și tu poți”! O campanie cu și despre femei din R. Moldova care, în pofida situațiilor de discriminare sau…

International Women’s Day Event in Kyrgyzstan

Date: Monday, 11 March 2019

On 5 March, more than 400 young people gathered in Talas, a city in northwestern Kyrgyzstan, to commemorate International Women’s Day and promote equal rights and opportunities for women and girls, specifically in innovation and technology industries. Successful women from different professions shared their personal experience in achieving success, overcoming various barriers, and made recommendations to young women and girls on choosing their path in education and professional life. The…

Team of young boys bringing innovative solutions to prevention of GBV in BiH

Date: Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Trace Brace is a team of 5 young men from Bosnia and Herzegovina devoted to prevention of gender-based violence. These young men came up with a safety bracelet idea and developed the first prototype during UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 days of activism campaign in 2017. UN Women supported the development of the idea into a viable sustainable product. In the period from June to December 2018 the team had an opportunity to learn more about start up processes and develop essential start-up…

Young girls in BiH raising awareness on GBV amongst their peers

Date: Wednesday, 20 February 2019 is a first peer-to-peer website focused on prevention of violence against girls and young women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was developed by a team of young girls from Bosnia and Herzegovina who were inspired by similar global and regional initiatives and wanted to bring the change in their peer communities. The idea was initiated during UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 days of activism campaign in 2017. UN Women supported the development of the website in the period from…

Regional Forum on the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention

Date: Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Under the auspices of the Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and on the occasion of the campaign 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the Regional Forum, aimed at taking stock of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), saw a plethora of actors and partners come together for a regional exchange. Representatives of different levels of…

Addressing violence against Roma women

Date: Friday, 21 December 2018

In Ukraine, negative stereotypes and prejudices against Roma remain widespread. This leads to discrimination and unfair treatment carried out by state and non-state actors. It also leads to violent attacks targeting Roma. This is especially true for Roma women, who often suffer from multiple discrimination based on multiple factors, including ethnicity, gender, social status as well as disability, age and others.