United Nations Kosovo Youth Assembly 2019

More than 200 young people from all communities across Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) came together for the United Nations Kosovo Youth Assembly 2019. The aim of the event was to support inter-ethnic trust-building in Kosovo by highlighting the role of young people in building resilient communities and providing opportunities to generate multi-ethnic youth solutions to shared problems, backed by support of decision-makers. Official opening remarks were held by Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK, Mr. Zahir Tanin, United Nations Secretary-General Envoy on Youth, Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, United Nations Development Coordinator in Kosovo, Ms. Ulrika Richardson, and Kosovo Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Ms. Burbuqe Bakija Deva. Through their opening remarks, the speakers highlighted the importance of the role of young people in building resilient communities, and the importance of the inclusion of youth in decision-making and increasing innovation, diversity and gender equality.