My Team Supports Me!

This video features little girls accompanying the Georgian National Rugby Team to the pitch to sing the Georgian national anthem before the start of the match.Since 2010, the Georgian National Rugby Team - the ‘Lelos’ - have been actively engaged in the SAY NO – UNiTE to End Violence Against Women and HeforShe campaigns. The team has dedicated a number of international and national matches to these campaigns, which is why on this occasion they are accompanied to the pitch by little girls (traditionally only boys have been chosen for this job). With this symbolic gesture, the ‘Lelos’ show their support for women and girls’ rights, and at the same time the girls can show their support for the Georgian National Rugby Team. The girls have given the ‘Lelos’ a great send off to the Rugby World Cup 2015, which will kick off on September 18, 2015, with this video – 'We believe, we will win!'