Gender and Data Brief

Gender and Data Brief

The Europe and Central Asia region is very diverse in terms of its economic, political, social and cultural systems, as well the national capacity to produce reliable and relevant data and statistics for global and national SDG monitoring. The capacity of statistical systems in the ECA region is relatively high with the overall median score of 76,4 points in 2020, and with increased scoring on coverage and openness of official statistics from 46 to 54 points over the period of 2018 to 2020 according to Open
Data Inventory.

Key to the success of Women Count programme is collaboration and coordination among government institutions, civil society organizations, think tanks, media, youth and development partners, including through joint programming and active knowledge-sharing.

Civil society organizations and activists, including data journalists, researchers, think tanks, youth, and media serve both as Women Count allies and agents of change by raising awareness, advocating for evidence-based policies and targeted interventions to make every woman and girl count and visible.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Resource type(s): Briefs
UN Women office publishing: Europe and Central Asia Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages